
蜜月惊魂 已完结 多丽丝·黛 路易斯·乔丹 巴瑞·萨里万 弗兰克·洛夫乔伊 杰克·凯利 安·鲁滨逊  A terrified wife tries to escape from her insanely jealous husband who is bent on killing her.
蜜月惊魂 惊悚 黑色 恐怖
飞碟入侵地球 6.2 已完结 Hugh Marlowe Joan Taylor Donald Curtis  While driving through the desert with his wife Carol Marvin to a military base to send the elevent
飞碟入侵地球 恐怖 科幻 奇幻
鼹鼠人 已完结 约翰·艾加尔 休·博蒙特 阿兰·纳皮尔 内斯特帕瓦 Phil Chambers 罗德·雷德温 罗温·休斯  A party of archaeologists discovers the remnants of a mutant five-millennia-old Sumerian civilizat
鼹鼠人 恐怖 科幻 奇幻