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变种特工 第08集

Jake Foley is a computer technician for the NSA who secretly longs for a chance to work on the field...展开. Circumstance puts him in a top secret laboratory, in the middle of a shootout between security guards and a saboteur. During the battle, a vial containing an experimental serum explodes, covering Jake with shrapnel. But it turns out that the serum is actually nanomites, microscopic submachines that heal his injuries and alter his body. Upon discovering his new mind-boggling powers, Jake begins to operate at an atomic level, possessing superhuman strength, lightning-fast speed, heightened hearing, magnified vision and the ability to communicate telepathically with computers. The NSA soon realizes Jake is an untested asset and forms a Special Ops team with him at its core. As Jake finally realizes his dream of being of being a field operative, he must also contend with the return of would-be girlfriend Sarah Heywood, who is involved in a Congressional investigation which threatens to expose his operation.收起


变种特工 6.6 已完结


王国第二季 8.3 全6集 朱智勋 裴斗娜 柳承龙 金成圭 全锡浩 金相浩 金慧埈 许峻豪 全智贤 朴炳垠 金太勋 安宰弘  在一个充斥着贪腐和饥荒的王国中,关于国王死亡的神秘传闻沸沸扬扬,同时一场奇怪的瘟疫传播开来,感染者可获得不死之身并嗜食人肉。成为阴谋牺牲品的皇太子开始踏上揭露邪恶阴谋,拯救子民的征程。
王国第二季 古装 恐怖 剧情
我的下位来宾鼎鼎大名第四季 5.2 全6集 大卫·莱特曼 卡迪·B 威尔·史密斯 茱莉亚·路易斯-德瑞弗斯 瑞安·雷诺兹 凯文·杜兰特 碧丽·艾莉许  在这档访谈节目中,电视传奇人物大卫·莱特曼与全球杰出人士深入访谈,展开探索之旅。
美哉琉璃:巧匠大比拼第二季 8.4 全10集 内详  十名大师级工匠,在玻璃吹制雕塑挑战上火力全开,试图赢得美金六万元的大奖与冠军头衔。
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