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我的一家人第三季 第08集

In series three, life in the Harper household is as hectic as ever, Janey has left for university an...展开d has been replaced in the house by their cousin Abi, who is more than a little accident prone. Ben sees this new addition to their home as a threat to the peace and quiet he's wanted throughout his married life, while Susan is happy to have another woman in the house. As for Michael, he is spending as much time thinking about girls now as his school work. And as if all this was not bad enough for Ben, Nick continued to work on his next hair-brained scheme, whether than means starring as Jesus in the local nativity play or dressing up as a drag queen!收起



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圣诞颂歌 7.7 已完结 盖·皮尔斯 安迪·瑟金斯 斯蒂芬·格拉汉姆 乔·阿尔文 夏洛特·莱利 鲁特格尔·哈尔 雯叶特·罗宾逊 杰森·弗莱明 比利·巴瑞特 保罗·查希迪 娜塔莎·卡尔扎克 约翰尼·哈里斯 杰森· 莱恩斯  改编查尔斯狄更斯(Charles Dickens)同名经典着作,描述吝啬鬼丶守财奴施顾己(或译史顾己丶史古基,Ebenzer Scrooge),即便到了圣诞夜也不改本性。这一夜,已故友人马里(Ja
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